Friday, September 08, 2006

45 minutes - no problems, medium energy ran early before it got hot. Supposed to be hot again on Sunday, my "long day." We'll see what gets done.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

It's 90º today at it was 90º yesterday. It supposed to cool down tomorrow at which point I'll run. I thought the hot weather was over. poo.

Monday, September 04, 2006

45 minutes - 4.5 miles

It was an okay run. When I started, my ankles and one of my shins hurt but this went away after about 15 minutes or so. I told myself that as I was running, "It will go away. It will go away." And it did.

It was foggy out so thankfully I was able to go out early before the sun came out and it got yucky.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

7 miles at Rancho

Well we ran the first mile straight to the farm. Then we ran flat and up hill to the hairpin doing a run/walk (8/1) then we went up the hill 1 mile straight up with one one minute walking break. I couldn't believe i did it. It was a great accomplishment but definately hard. Then we ran downhill 2 1/2 miles then 1 mile straight. My knee was hurting pretty bad by the end (IT band issue).

I think we'll be a good match. I've been doing a walk/run so to run straight will be a challenge. I'm excited to run with you too. We should do it a couple times those days that you're here.

I haven't run yet today (I'm waiting for my jogging bra to dry - last time I tried to run with a regular bra I got a nasty sore where it was rubbing against my ribcage) but I was thinking about how fun it will be to run with you when I get back. You'll be used to running further and faster than me so maybe I can be a second run for the day or an extra run on one of your days off.

Update: 45 minutes - not the most energy I've ever had, but I made it and about the same pace I usually do. Not super centered today, which made it harder and my shoes have all of a sudden started giving me a blister in my arch. I tried lacing the shoes tighter, thinking that it was because my foot was slipping, but that didn't help. I don't think it could be time for new shoes. These are like a year and a half old and I don't think I've put that much mileage on them yet.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

45 minutes - nice

Today I ran in a completely different area. I ran from "yellow park" up the bike path along the coast and up into the forest. There are always a lot of people around so I feel pretty safe running up there. My next goal is to run the 10K (not a formal 10K, that's just the distance) from "yellow park" to the zoo. I think I also want to ride the distance it is from our house to the zoo and back but I'm not sure when. I think that would take a couple of hours.

Update: that was about 7.5K in 45 minutes.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Saturday August 26th
10 miles

We ran around Lake Merced and then up the great highway. It wasn't a bad run. I felt pretty good after not really sore like i usually am. I was coming down with a cold so i was suprised i was able to finish it without too much complaining and without anything hurting. I felt better than i had when i ran 10 miles 4 weeks ago. I'm sort of looking forward to trying out 12 miles.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Saturday - 45 minutes good pace
Sunday - 30 minutes quick pace for first half/doggy the second half

I ran today because I can't run tomorrow. I'm taking a little train trip, so I thought I'd try to run a half hour fast. It didn't go as well as I would have liked. I couldn't relax and I felt stiff and kind of sore-ish. The first half went by quickly but the last 7 or so minutes I felt like I just bonked, for lack of a better word. No energy, slow, slow, slow.